Center for Medicinal Plants

Our proyect for the collection and conservation of medicinal plants

The cosmological view of our peoples is a very important foundation for health, culture and traditions. With the Botanic Gardens, our organization seeks to regain the ancestral knowledge of our people and transmit them to other cultures in the world.

Escuelas Verdes does not only promote the preservation of our culture, but also the resumption of the customs and activities that make our faith into a font of mysterious cure.

The warlocks or shamans grow in the veins of our America, they carry an invaluable knowledge about plants and their uses; their songs, their clothes, their traditions enable shamans to put oneself in anyones being and antagonize bad influences. The sciences have not found an explanation for various cures, that have ocurred following the Shamanian rituals. Perhaps time has come to link this great knowledge with the newest technologies of humankind.

Our project seeks to link those traditions with students, professionals, traditional healers, veterinarians and the overall population in order to experience the unimaginable in getting to know this way of curing. The Center for Medicinal Plants collects such knowledge and our asociates can find out the name and use of medicinal plants most common in our region.

The Shamans offer talks, lectures, workshops and conferences for those interested in getting to know a little more about their healing techniques.

Come and meet the variety of plants of Central America as well as the mystical culture of the Panamanian Shamans!